
Safety Assessments

Anna Harris & Associates use the Safety Assessment to help organisations improve productivity, reduce turnover, lower accident rates and increase team and customer satisfaction.

The Safety Report provides an accurate assessment of an employee’s work style and overall safety orientation, and is relevant across a wide range of industries and work environments. By implementing the Safety Assessment, employers can determine the extent to which their workforce is comprised of safe workers. Test results identify employee strengths and areas of concern, and can be used to determine why an employee might engage in behaviour that is inconsistent with best safety practices, and thus guide training and development.

The Safety Assessment allows for a targeted approach to safety training and performance management. Individuals or teams who have a high risk profile are identified, and specific developmental and training plans are put in place to address their unique profiles. This reduces the need for a blanket approach to safety development thus reducing the overall costs of training to the organisation.

Safety Culture Analysis

Anna Harris & Associates recognises that employee behaviour is driven by organisational culture. To effect lasting change in employee safety behaviours, organisations must first address those areas within their safety culture that guide and inherently reward unsafe behaviours within their workforce. The completion of a safety culture analysis and subsequent improvement plan provides evidence of effective safety improvement strategies if required by clients, shareholders, or regulators

Anna Harris & Associates utilise qualitative and quantitative methodologies to ensure that organisations receive a thorough and accurate baseline of their current safety culture. The final report represents a statistical analysis of all employee responses, which is also broken down to various demographic levels. The report provides benchmark scores, identifies key concerns, analyses culture, and identifies the critical factors needed to improve safety culture, concluding with specific recommendations. Anna Harris & Associates are then able to further assist organisations in developing safety culture improvement plans, and have a range of training and development options that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the organisation.

Safety Leadership

Anna Harris & Associates are able to custom design safety leadership development programs to meet the specific needs of our clients. Programs are developed utilising an evidence-based approach. This ensures that the leadership methodologies included in the program have a history of demonstrated success in organisational settings. Anna Harris & Associates are able to incorporate existing organisational policy and practice into the training packages to optimise the relevance and integration of the program.